
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What is BLOG ?

A blog is an easy way to use a web site where a user can create and quickly post his thoughts to interact with people and express his ideas and views for free. It is a free service that is used for communication with the freedom for speech to express his views.

A Blogger increases the availability of any information and also encourages a very healthy debate in such a manner that it makes possible new connections between different peoples. A Blogger has the ownership and respect for the content that he may choose to share with different people. Censoring the content is contrary to a service that bases itself on freedom of expression.

Encourages the Freedom of Expression

The service usually encourages the freedom of expression of a Blogger. As a result, there may be some boundaries based on the type of the content that is hosted by the Blogger. The boundaries usually defined are those that may comply with legal requirements as well as serve to enhance the service. The policies of the content may play an important role in maintaining the experiences for the user. The user in turn is expected to respect the content of the blog.

The blog may not include any type of pornographic material or image and video contents that may contain nudity or sexual materials. Users may not even publish any type of written, image or video content that may in any way promote incest or bestiality. Users may not publish any materials that may in any way promote hate towards any group or community or ethic origin, religion, gender, age and sexual orientation identity. Any article that is a direct threat to violence against any person or group of people may not be published. Web sites may not allow the users to unauthorized publishing any information that are private and confidential including their social security number or credit card numbers or even license number.

A blog can be anything that the user wants to share based on education or hobby or even expertise. It can be for promoting any products keeping in mind that the product that is being promoted should not be dangerous and illegal.In doing so the web site might terminate the account of the user without any prior notice to the user and also report to appropriate authorities.

 Blogger is a web publishing service or a hosting service, so a Blogger must be at least thirteen years of age before using the services. The Blogger is responsible for support, representation or guarantee the truthfulness; accuracy or reliability of any communications posted via the service or endorsed any opinions expressed via the service. A blog may be referred to as a collection of private or public thoughts. A user may simply share his latest announcement or news, debate his or hers position, support a claim, share his expertise or some may even have fun. A user may bring his thoughts or ideas alive and share it with his closest friends or the world at large. A user may make up his blog the most interesting thing on the web.


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