
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Common Mistakes of Business Bloggers

There is no doubt that the internet has become the best friend of the small business, with its wealth of easily accessible information and the availability of otherwise difficult to source individuals and products. There are very many ways for the modern business to utilize the web to good effect, a perfect example being the business blog.

Many businesses are now learning just what an amazing marketing opportunity having a business blog is as it generates not only sales but will contribute to increasing the profile of your business in a labour saving and cost effective way. It is important to be aware however that venturing into the world of the business blog and getting it wrong can be as damaging to your business as getting it right can be an aid to its success.

Probably the worst thing a business can do with their blog is to start with gusto posting like mad, only to flag a few weeks in and stop up-dating altogether. A business blog needs to be a regular thing, if your intention is to use it to drive business your way, there is absolutely no point posting a few times and then getting bored, like all other forms of marketing it needs a sustained approach. If for some reason you cannot dedicate regular amounts of time to its up-date then delegate the responsibility, pass the job to a colleague or outsource to a blogging firm and if your regular blogger is going to be absent for any length of time, always ensure a replacement, treat your business blog as an important tool and you'll reap the rewards.

It is also important to remember that your business blog is a marketing tool for your business and not a place for you to vent your spleen or converse with friends; a business blog should at all times be used with the utmost professionalism if you plan on being taken seriously in your chosen market. Of course blogging is a new and exciting and much less formal way of communicating with your potential customer base, but it is important not to get too carried away, respect your audience and never lose sight of who they are, they are potential customers and other business owners and you will be judged on your postings, so get everything vetted by someone else before it is published, nothing should go on to your blog before it has first been seen through the eyes of a colleague, this will not only prove a form of gentle censorship, but will act as a proof-reading hopefully picking-up missed grammatical and/or spelling mistakes.

A final important tip is to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more; often a business blog loses steam because readers simply get bored with being talked at without the option for comment. People like to get involved and it is natural to want to communicate, so open-up the streams of communication by actively encouraging comment, far too many businesses are so scared of the potential for negative criticism that they prevent contact from customers instead of welcoming it as they should; inviting customer interaction will provide you with valuable feedback and help with your business analysis, it also gives you a direct link to the people you want to sell to, business gold.

So take a deep breath and join the internet revolution, you may just find that a it's a business blog that's responsible for your business success.

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